加拿大智行基金會(溫哥華辨事處)慈善素宴 2024
日期:2024年3月9日 (星期六)
時間:晚上 6 時 (溫哥華時間)
地點: 幸運海鮮酒家 Continental Seafood Restaurant
#150-11700 Cambie Road, Richmond, BC
餐卷每桌(十人席)$800, VIP 每桌(十人席)$1500
查詢 : (778) 996-0368
網址: http://www.chihengcanada.org/
娛樂:陸寶 小型音樂會
智行基金會自1998年成立以來,致力為愛滋遺孤、受歧視及困境學生提供全方位的照顧。以教育為宗旨在中國多個地區資助超過37,000 名受惠者,為他們提供教育、醫療、生活及心靈輔導等照顧,希望籍此改變他們的人生。
Chi Heng Foundation Canada (Vancouver Office) Veggie Dinner Vancouver 2024
To bolster and encourage underprivileged children suffering from discrimination or impacted by illness in their families, and to alter their destinations with education. Please purchase your tickets today!
Date: Saturday, March 9, 2024
Time: 6 pm (PST)
Venue: Continental Seafood Restaurant – #150-11700 Cambie Road, Richmond, BC
Ticket prices: regular tables (seating 10) $800 each; VIP tables (seating 10) $1500 each
Enquiries: (778) 996-0368
Website: http://www.chihengcanada.org/
Entertainment: A mini concert by Mr. Bo Luk
Since 1998, Chi Heng Foundation has cumulatively supported over 37,000 AIDS-impacted orphans and underprivileged children, providing them with educational sponsorship, psychosocial therapy, living expenses, and medical assistance. Our aim is to alter the trajectory in their lives and give them a future filled with hope.
All net income from the dinner will be used for Chi Heng’s Holistic Education Sponsorship Program in China.
Thank you for your support to Chi Heng Foundation Canada. Since 1998, Chi Heng has been constantly providing support and assistance to AIDS orphans in mainland China, allowing them to receive education continuously. To date, Chi Heng has proudly assisted over 37,000 AIDS impacted children. In addition to providing them with funding for primary, secondary and university education, Chi Heng has also provided other related services such as counselling, vocational placement and community based care. In order to continue all these meaningful and important works, Chi Heng Foundation Canada needs your support.